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TOGAF 10 Request for Architecture Work

This is a document that is sent from the sponsoring organization to the architecture organization to trigger the start of an architecture development cycle. Requests for Architecture Work can be created as an output of the Preliminary Phase, a result of approved architecture Change Requests, or terms of reference for architecture work originating from migration planning.

Requests for Architecture Work typically include:

  • Organization sponsors
  • Organization’s mission statement
  • Business goals (and changes)
  • Strategic plans of the business
  • Time limits
  • Changes in the business environment
  • Organizational constraints
  • Budget information, financial constraints
  • External constraints, business constraints
  • Current business system description
  • Current architecture/IT system description
  • Description of developing organization
  • Description of resources available to developing organization
TOGAF ADM Phase A: Architecture Vision

La “Phase A: Architecture Vision” (Fase A: Visione dell’Architettura) in TOGAF è il punto di partenza del processo di sviluppo dell’architettura aziendale. Il suo obiettivo principale è creare una chiara visione dell’architettura aziendale che risponda ai bisogni e agli obiettivi dell’organizzazione.


Develop a high level aspirational vision of the business value to be delivered

To obtain approval for a Statement of Architecture Work

Creare una Visione Chiara: L’obiettivo principale è definire una visione chiara e comprensibile dell’architettura aziendale. Questo significa identificare i principali obiettivi, valori e aspirazioni dell’organizzazione e tradurli in una visione architetturale.

Allineare con gli Obiettivi Aziendali: Si assicura che la visione architetturale sia pienamente allineata con gli obiettivi e le strategie aziendali. In questo modo, l’architettura supporta e contribuisce al successo complessivo dell’organizzazione.

Definire i Principali Requisiti e Vincoli: Si identificano i requisiti principali che l’architettura deve soddisfare, insieme ai vincoli e alle restrizioni che possono influenzare il suo sviluppo.

Comunicare la Visione: È importante comunicare la visione architetturale in modo chiaro e coinvolgente a tutti gli stakeholder coinvolti nel processo. Questo aiuta a ottenere il sostegno e l’approvazione necessari per il successo del progetto.

Creare una Base per lo Sviluppo: La visione dell’architettura fornisce una base solida per lo sviluppo successivo dell’architettura. Orienta le decisioni e le attività nelle fasi successive del processo.


Architecture reference materials

Non-Architectural inputs

Architectural inputs

  • Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture
  • Tailored Architecture Framework
  • Populated Architecture Repo


Establish architecture project

Identify stakeholders, concerns, and business requirements

confirm business goals, drivers and constraints

evaluate capabilities

assess readiness for transformation

define (architecture) scope

Confirm architecture principles (of the preliminaury phase), including business principles

Develop architectuer vision

Define target architecture value and KPI

Identify transformation risks and mitigation activities

Develop Statement of Architecture Work, secure approval


Approved Statement of Architecture Work

Refined statements of business principles, goals and drivers

Architecture principles

Capability assestment

Tailored architecture framework

Architecture vision

Draft architecture definition document

Communications plan

Additional content in the Architecture Repo


Matrices: Stakeholder map matrix

Diagrams: Business model diagram, Business capability map, Value stream map, Value chain diagram, Solution concept diagram

TOGAF Preliminary Phase


Lo scopo è quello di stabilire le fondamenta per lo sviluppo, gestione e manutenzione dell’architettura.

In questa fase vengono definite il contesto, i principi, gli obiettivi e i driver aziendali che guideranno il processo di sviluppo dell’architettura.

This Preliminary Phase is about defining “where, what, why, who, and how we do architecture” in the enterprise concerned


Reference Materials External to the Enterprise

  • The TOGAF Library
  • Other architecture framework(s), if required

Non-Architectural Inputs (Politics…)

  • Board strategies and board business plans, business strategy, IT strategy, business principles, business goals, and business drivers (ex. Migliorare la soddisfazione dei clienti, Espandere la quota di mercato, Ridurre i costi IT), when pre-existing
  • Major frameworks operating in the business; e.g., project/portfolio management
  • Governance and legal frameworks, including Architecture Governance strategy, when pre-existing
  • Architecture capability
  • Partnership and contract agreements

Architectural Inputs (Technical…)

Pre-existing models for operating an Enterprise Architecture Capability can be used as a baseline for the Preliminary Phase. Inputs would include:

  • Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture (see the TOGAF Standard — Architecture Content), including:
    • Scope of organizations impacted
    • Maturity assessment, gaps, and resolution approach
    • Roles and responsibilities for architecture team(s)
    • Budget requirements
    • Governance and support strategy
  • Existing Architecture Framework, if any, including:
    • Architecture method
    • Architecture content
    • Configured and deployed tools
    • Architecture Principles
    • Architecture Repository


1. Scope the Enterprise Organizations Impacted

  • Identify core enterprise (units) — those who are most affected and achieve most value from the work
  • Identify soft enterprise (units) — those who will see change to their capability and work with core units but are otherwise not directly affected
  • Identify extended enterprise (units) — those units outside the scoped enterprise who will be affected in their own Enterprise Architecture
  • Identify communities involved (enterprises) — those stakeholders who will be affected and who are in groups of communities
  • Identify governance involved, including legal frameworks and geographies (enterprises)

2. Confirm Governance and Support Frameworks

Cosa fa questo passo?
  1. Conferma dei Framework di Governance: In questa fase, si stabiliscono e si confermano i processi e i meccanismi di governance che regolano lo sviluppo e l’uso dell’architettura aziendale. La governance assicura che ci sia una supervisione efficace, una chiara responsabilità e un allineamento con gli obiettivi aziendali.
  2. Valutazione dei Framework di Supporto: Si esaminano i framework e gli strumenti di supporto disponibili per l’architettura aziendale. Questi possono includere strumenti software, risorse formative, linee guida di best practice e altri supporti che facilitano lo sviluppo, l’implementazione e la gestione dell’architettura.
Attività coinvolte:
  1. Identificazione dei requisiti di Governance: Si identificano i requisiti specifici per la governance dell’architettura aziendale, inclusi i processi decisionali, le autorità coinvolte e le procedure di revisione.
  2. Definizione dei ruoli e delle responsabilità: Si chiariscono i ruoli e le responsabilità delle varie parti coinvolte nella governance dell’architettura, come ad esempio il comitato di architettura, i responsabili delle decisioni e gli stakeholder chiave.
  3. Valutazione dei framework di supporto disponibili: Si valutano i framework, gli strumenti e le risorse disponibili per supportare lo sviluppo e la gestione dell’architettura. Questo può includere la valutazione di software di modellazione, repository di architettura, linee guida di best practice, etc.

3. Define and Establish Enterprise Architecture Team and Organization

  • Determine existing enterprise and business capability
  • Conduct an Enterprise Architecture/business change maturity assessment, if required
  • Identify gaps in existing work areas
  • Allocate key roles and responsibilities for Enterprise Architecture Capability management and governance
  • Define requests for change to existing business programs and projects:
    • Inform existing Enterprise Architecture and IT architecture work of stakeholder requirements
    • Request assessment of impact on their plans and work
    • Identify common areas of interest
    • Identify any critical differences and conflicts of interest
    • Produce requests for change to stakeholder activities
  • Determine constraints on Enterprise Architecture work
  • Review and agree with sponsors and board
  • Assess budget requirements

4. Identify and Establish Architecture Principles

I principi di architettura sono linee guida fondamentali che orientano il processo decisionale durante lo sviluppo dell’architettura. Questi principi riflettono le priorità, i valori e le aspirazioni dell’organizzazione.

5. Tailor the TOGAF Framework and, if any, Other Selected Architecture Framework(s)

In this step, determine what tailoring of the TOGAF framework is required. Consider the need for:

  • Terminology Tailoring: architecture practitioners should use terminology that is generally understood across the enterpriseTailoring should produce an agreed terminology set for description of architectural content. Consideration should be given to the creation of an Enterprise Glossary, to be updated throughout the architecture process.
  • Process Tailoring: the TOGAF ADM provides a generic process for carrying out architecture Process tailoring provides the opportunity to remove tasks that are already carried out elsewhere in the organization, add organization-specific tasks (such as specific checkpoints), and to align the ADM processes to external process frameworks and touch-points. Key touch-points to be addressed would include:
    • Links to (project and service) portfolio management processes
    • Links to project lifecycle
    • Links to operations handover processes
    • Links to operational management processes (including configuration management, change management, and service management)
    • Links to procurement processes
  • Content Tailoring: using the TOGAF Architecture Content Framework and Enterprise Continuum as a basis, tailoring of content structure and classification approach allows adoption of third-party content frameworks and also allows for customization of the framework to support organization-specific requirements

6. Develop a Strategy and Implementation Plan for Tools and Techniques

Si stabiliscono i processi e le procedure per lo sviluppo, la manutenzione e l’evoluzione dell’architettura nel tempo. Questo può includere la pianificazione degli aggiornamenti, la gestione dei cambiamenti e la valutazione delle prestazioni.



Principles catalog

Describe what a “good” solution or architecture should look like. Principles are used to evaluate and agree an outcome for architecture decision points. Principles are also used as a tool to assist in architectural governance of change initiatives.