Swiss banking group based in Lugano, one of the most important financial cities in Switzerland
I dealt exclusively with an integration system between the main customer portal and the backend of the respective financial services (credit card).
The front-end, developed with BackBase CRM, made requests exclusively to REST services configured via swagger.
The backend, in turn, only exposed rest services
The system that I have evolved and maintained was responsible for orchestrating, through routing and mediations, the requests coming from the portal with the various REST backend services.
The orchestration took place thanks to the use of Apache Camel.
The various services exposed were packaged in OSGI components installed on the JBOSS Mule server
Being an integration system, tests were carried out using Junit and SOAP-UI
My role was that of design and implementation of the orchestration
I used Enterprise Architect 7 as design tool
As it was just a integration system I didn’t used at all any database technology
Build tool used was Maven and source version control tool has been GIT and Nexus (as Repository)