Transform technical specifications into compliant modules through the use of programming languages
Full stack developer specialized in Java EE language and tools
In particular:
- SOAP (with JAX-WS) and Rest (useless specify JSON knowledge of course) Webservices
- EJB3 and JMS
- Spring BOOT and MVC
I know the importance of test. And that’s why I always use JUNIT together with some tools for code coverage like JaCoCo or SonarQube (that, in reality uses JaCoCo 🙂 )
In the past projects I worked with Struts and JSF
Of course I know how to access to DB with Java: JDBC and Hibernate and so I can make use JPA or also Spring Data (which I recommend)
In past projects I made use of Liferay, being a Liferay Developer
I know what is a XSLT because I used it in some my (old) of projects
Furthermore I worked in OSGI environments
In my personal projects I’m using MQTT protocol
Sincerely NOT specialized in front-end, but I like build dynamic web pages using Spring MVC, HTML5, CSS and Jquery (with Ajax). But I’m planning to study Angular
I make use of Sonar (Lint and possibly Qube) to be helped in order to have a better programming quality
In the last project I started using Docker.
Docker is used to host our DEV environment: Weblogic server and Oracle Database
Experience in Python, based on IOT personal projects
SQL developer, specialized in Oracle and MySql database
Deep knowledge of GIT and Maven
Able to manage Java applications server like Weblogic and JBoss